Email Settings

The following settings can be modified here:

Sending Options:

Choose between three different sending options:

  • WordPress Mail

WordPress Mail is pre-configured with your WordPress install. This is only recommended for small lists though.

  • Gmail

Using Gmail as your sending option will only require you to insert your username and password of your Gmail account, port number and form of encryption, if any. This method will allow you to send up to 500 emails per day.

  • SMTP Server

Using this option will require you to enter in your host, username, password, port and whether you want to authenticate your connection or not. This method is preferred for larger lists.

Mail Throttling:

It is vital that the figures set out under Mail Throttling are accurate. The purpose of this is to limit the amount of emails sent out within a certain amount of time. Should the amount of emails sent exceed the recommended limit, you may run the risk of certain emails not being sent.


You will be able to send a test mail to see if your login details have been configured correctly. For the advanced user, a debugging function is also available.