Uploading Subscribers via CSV

If you have a large list of email addresses, it’s easier to upload them via CSV then adding a few hundred at a time via the normal copy and paste import functionality.

There are a few things to consider when uploading a CSV file:

1) The format for the CSV file should be the following:

email address,first name,last name

2) Depending on the amount of subscribers you will be uploading, the import may take anywhere from 10 seconds to 30 minutes. Please be sure to NOT leave the page while the import is taking place.

3) Please be sure that any names that contain spaces are encapsulated by double quotes. for example, if the person’s first name is Billy Bob, make sure that in the CSV file it is inputted as “Billy Bob”. Therefore, the line that this person is one should appear as follows:

[email protected],”Billy Bob”,Joe

4) If you choose to “replace the existing data with data in the file”, please note that this will DELETE all current subscribers AND their links to their relevant lists. This cannot be undone.

Download the example CSV file here.

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